The first two elements that a classroom must embrace are…
Current situation: Nowadays, it is so evident in the classroom that as students move through in their education system, the majority of students become increasingly less engaged. The majority of parents, experts and job recruiters express concern that many student’s individual learning needs are not being met and the students are not learning the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the real world.
Solution requirements: The student-centred approach or personalized learning is one instructional approach that could reverse these trends. Since personalized learning helps students greatly increasing student engagement and high chances in developing deeper learning competencies like ‘using knowledge and understanding to solve complex problems, thinking critically, working collaboratively, communicating effectively, learning how to learn and developing academic mindsets. This results not only in success in academics, but that will enable the students to succeed in careers and life. Even though providing personalized learning is a big challenge in a real situation, few mindful and heartful elements from the educator can achieve intended outcomes.
Preliminary solution: To achieve this, there are two important elements that the classroom must embrace the first two elements from the educator/mentor are CURIOSITY and EMPATHY.
Many neurological studies say that curiosity makes our brains more receptive to learning and makes us enjoy the sensation of learning. A teacher has to make students curious by his lesson plan and real play in the classroom as to how a successful movie director narrates the story with his screenplay to make the audience curious till the last scene. But, a movie director can redo the scene if he is not satisfied with the outcome whereas the teacher will not have a similar chance. A teacher has to revalidate his lesson plan carefully before he presents.
Let’s discuss how curiosity plays a role in the learning process?
1.Curiosity versus intelligence:
Many studies say that all students have enough intelligence. Curiosity ignites the intelligence to rise to the next level and vice versa, more intelligent people are more curious and interestingly more curious people become more intelligent. It’s like mutually interrelated things, one follows the other.
2.Curiosity versus teacher: Basically, curiosity prepares the brain for learning and it puts the brain in a state that allows it to learn and retain any kind of information. The most frequent statements come from many students is :
“I am getting bored. or I am not interested in learning this chapter/ subject. It seems difficult “
Curiosity is stimulated by the right question which makes the learner more attentive at learning and remembering. At the same time, the teacher’s role is not ended by asking the right question, the teacher’s role begins and leads scaffolding.
If a teacher can arouse a student’s curiosity about something by the right question they’re naturally motivated to learn, they will be better prepared to learn things that they would normally consider boring or difficult.
Finally, If a student struggles with any chapter, it’s a big opportunity to improve the endurance of intrinsic curiosity, personalizing problems on the chapter to match their specific needs rather than using generic textbook questions could help them better understand and remember how to go about answering/ solving such problems in the future.
Here, Ed-tech companies have a big role to play in helping the teacher and the learning process of every student.
3.Curiosity makes subsequent learning more rewarding :
The right question, scaffolding, personalized guidance through their specific needs make subsequent learning more enthused. There is a big thing which generally quells curiosity due to time constraint in the classroom is the question that stimulates curiosity being told the answer before it can even get going.
So rather than jumping straight into the answers, give ample time to students to do on their own.
The next most important element in the classroom is: EMPATHY(from the teacher)
Empathy is a great way of connecting with students. The empathetic behaviour of a teacher really helps no student left behind. Each student gets personalized guidance by empathy not by sympathy. Sympathy may lead you to look down on students instead of trying to understand or connect with them even though you may care deeply for them.
Being empathetic does not mean lowering your expectations, it can reinforce your belief in their ability to succeed. At times, a student’s negative behaviour makes the teacher frustrated and upset so naturally but empathetic behaviour controls the teacher’s own emotions and creates an environment that really takes care of the student’s progress. It’s a big opportunity to show idealistic behaviour in the classroom.
When the teacher portrays and models an attitude of empathy in the classroom by showing compassion, positive regard, understanding for all with whom he interacts and responding with empathy especially in stressful moments gives deep understanding and a great imprint in the minds of students.
The empathetic nature of the teacher cuts down preoccupied expectations on students and makes the teacher accept the students as they are and directs them to the next level.
Empathy 1) creates a positive classroom culture.
2) develops mutual respect among students.
3) creates opportunities for collaboration.
4) encourages nurturing support
5) sets an environment respecting differences.
6) offers a safe environment to discuss differences.
This allows students to recognize that having differences is not bad, but it leads to comprehend and respect others opinions.
Such a positive environment makes learners learn at their highest capacity.
An empathetic teacher can make a conscious effort to develop a caring relationship with their students. Ultimately, dramatic positive changes can take place in behaviour, effort, and performance in the classroom.
These two elements make a student understand the classroom how it transforms and shape up a student’s holistic development. It leads to an increase in the intrinsic motivation of the students.
My deep respect for all teachers who make every student curious in their classroom and empathetic to every student.